Book signing in Grand Cane

By LaBetha Casey

Friday afternoon on August 12, Jann Franklin chose 4-C Coffee House in Grand Cane for the debut and signing of her first book, Trading Bright Lights for Lightning Bugs.  The book is loosely based on her own experience of moving from a larger town in Texas with bright lights to the small village of Grand Cane where her husband, John, lived as a child.  Maggie, the coffee shop owner in the book, is also based on Rhonda Cox who owns the coffee shop in Grand Cane.

Jann read chapter one of her book to those in attendance.  Afterwards, the floor was opened for questions and answers. When asked why she chose writing after retiring as a CPA, she stated that her husband encouraged her to do so to show her creative side, because creative accounting will land someone in Angola Prison for 5-10 years.  She chooses to set aside time in the mornings to write, and then afternoons for editing with a goal of writing two chapters per week.

Franklin’s second book has been submitted for editing, and she has begun working on the third book in this series.