Police Jury Amends Budget

By LaBetha Casey

A special meeting for DeSoto Parish Police Jury was held on October 24, 2022.  There were no guest or public comments given.

Under new business was a hearing to waive ABO requirements for an unnamed citizen.  Juror Reggie Roe motioned to not approve this waiver because it is unlawful.  The person in question is a convicted felon.  The DPPJ attorney who was present cited LA statute 26:280 Section 5 which states that a convicted felon may not be allowed to hold an ABO card unless their crime has been expunged.  The waiver did not pass.

The next item was to recommend approving roads for capital outlay.  Each juror had been allowed to choose roads in their area to be included in the $27M proposal  to be presented in a request through the state for capital outlay to repave, reconstruct or otherwise improve roads. According to parish administrator, Michael Norton, the total amount needed for road repairs for the parish totals $124M.  The list of all roads needing some repairs was given to the jurors in September.  Norton stated, “It is my goal to present information to the jurors so they can make informed decisions to choose which roads to be repaired.”

The last item was to amend the Capital Budget for the construction of Powell Road by $365 to come from the capital outlay road fund.  This amendment passed.