Police Jury Report

By Nicole Tull

The DeSoto Parish Police Jury met Monday evening at 5:00 pm. Two jurors were absent. A full gallery was present. The first item on the agenda was presentations. A 20-year service award went to Chester Simpson. Then the North DeSoto softball team was recognized for winning state championship. Next, was the 4-H members that received placement at state competition were honored. Finally, Philip Clark was honored for his 15 classes over 10 years to become a “Louisiana Roads Scholar”.

The administrator, Michael Norton, gave his report. The work at the landfill will begin May 30. There was a security breach in April that was addressed. Rep. Bagley asked for a list of parish needs for the $250,000 coming from the state. George Hunt Road will be repaired with asphalt this summer by the oil/gas companies that caused the damage. He addressed occupancy tax for tourism and a few other line items.

Under Old Business, there was a recommendation to change the language on the CEAs with the parish municipalities concerning the costs of road repairs. Mayor Ken Kaffka of Stonewall and Mayor Thomas Jones of Mansfield both spoke to the burden this would place on their respective cities. After much discussion, the president suggested a compromise and the administrator suggested a resolution. The parish and municipalities will share the costs.

Next under Old Business was to authorize the president to sign the amendment agreement and jail fund budget. There was discussion concerning the options from an engineer company for the Detention Center. The detention center building is at the end of its suggested lifespan. It would need significant overhauling to extend its lifespan. The other option is a new facility. The budget was amended and approved.

Under New Business was the approval of E-911 naming Rawhide Private Lane. Next was resolutions for Cypress Energy Corporation request for sealed bids concerning mineral rights in a particular parcel of land owned by DPPJ. The next resolution was for a $24.5M bond.

There were several ordinances recommended: two permits to haul heavy and oversized loads on parish-maintained roads and bridges and another for excessive damages to roads by motor vehicles.

Under administrative items were recommendations to authorize the president to sign CEAs with Logansport for River City Festival; Mansfield Civicgroup for Juneteenth Festival; DeSoto Habilitaion Services for repairs to their roof; DeSoto High Alumni Association for services; and Mansfield to facilitate KCS subdivision to tie-in to the Community sewage system. Also, a couple of recommendations: to adopt 2023-2024 operating Budget for Sales and Use Tax Commission and to authorize the administrator to sign an agreement with Purple Guys for Maintenance Renewal.

Budget and Finance Items recommends authorizing the Treasurer to move CD into a higher interest-bearing account at Community Bank. Community Services and Development and Public Housing Items recommends awarding low bids for Weatherization Materials.

Road Items recommends: awarding low bid for Annual Materials; awarding low bid for Asphalt Roller; authorizing president to sign CEA with Mansfield and South Mansfield for drainage on Division Street and paving Schley Street; and installing two speed bumps on Carmel Loop due to speeding.

Last agenda item is Solid Waste Items recommends authorizing the president to sign an Agreement with BioMethane Partners.